Friday, May 31, 2019

Creating a Computer Program in the C Language about Super Smash Brothers Melee :: Biophysics Programming Gamecube

Super Smash Bros. MeleeAt first I had absolutely NO idea what to do for my biophysics terminal project. I wanted to require my program at least slightly interesting and this summer program is practically full of gamers. I decided to benefit my peers and myself by making my final project a program revolving around the Nintendo Gamecube game, Super Smash Bros. Melee. Before I wrote my program I necessary the statistics of the win percentages of com localiseers when they play a unique(predicate) character. Both computer players have one life and both of them are at level 9 difficulty, the highest level difficulty in the game. I chose the symbolize called Final Destination because random maps, although they create less bias, made the battle between two characters most of the time 50/50. I had the two computers advertize for about twenty or thirty games to get statistically significant evidence for the win percentages of a computer character versus another. My program sum up s the number of games needed to play to collect enough coins to collect a certain goal of trophies. Super Smash Bros. Melee uses a slot machine system for players to put coins in to have a chance to receive a new or old trophy. My program, however, can not actually be utilized to calculate anything in the game, for I had to add some tweaks to my program to make it more interesting for the viewers. The tweak I added was whenever the computer you were betting on won, you would win 5 coins, and whenever the computer lost, you would win 0 coins. That is not true in the real game, because two level 9 computers facing off would only get 1/10th of a coin each game.Each character in Super Smash Bros. Melee is numbered off in alphabetical order so I could input the win percentages between two computers. There are 25 playable characters in the game, but with the allotted time given, I had no time to test over 300 different combinations of characters (25x25 matrix) in one weekend. Instea d of testing all twenty v characters, I tested five of them(which is still a lot of testing). My program inputs are 1) Character whom you are betting on2)Character whom your character is battling3)Starting Number of Trophies4)craved Number of Trophies(max 242)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

John Fowles The Collector Essay -- essays research papers

John Fowles The Collector John Fowles gives one a glimpse into insanity in, The Collector. A lonely, champion man comes into some money, and suddenly his fantasies can become reality. He collects butterflies, killing them and posing them in little glass plates. Is he evil? It is hard to say, and as one reads the lines are blurred and morals questioned. Is that which is wrong always done with bad intentions?Frederick, the main character, is in love with a beautiful, young girl who he has never spoken to. They lived in the same town, and occasionally he would see Miranda, the art student, walking about as he looked out of windows from home and from work. When Fred wins the lottery, he realizes that he will be able to have Miranda, but he does not believe he ...

Daniel Boone Book Report :: Biography Biographies Bio

Daniel Boone was born November 2, 1734 in a log cabin in Berks County, near Pennsylvania. Boone is one of the most famous pioneers in history. He spent most of his life exploring and settling the American frontier.Boone had little formal education, but he did learn the skills of a woodsmen early in life. By age 12 his hunting skill and skill with a rifle helped keep his family well provided with wilderness game. In 1756 Boone married Rebecca Bryan, a pioneer woman with great courage and patience. He spent most of the next ten years hunting and acres to feed his family. In 1769 a trader and old friend, John Findley, visited Boones cabin. Findley was looking for an overland route to Kentucky and needed a skilled woodsman to guide him. In 1769 Boone, Findley and five men traveled along wilderness trails and through the Cumberland gap in the Appalachian mountains into Kentucky. They found a hunters paradise filled with buffalo, deer, wild bomb calorimeter and meadows ideal for farming . Boone vowed to return with his family one day. In 1775 Boone and 30 other woodsmen were hired to improve the trails between the Carolinas and the west. The resulting route reached into the heart of Kentucky and became known as the Wilderness Road. That same year Boone built a fort and village called Booneborough in Kentucky, and moved his family over the Wilderness Trail to their new home. Boone had numerous encounters with the native people of Kentucky. In 1776 Shawnee warriors kidnapped his daughter and two other girls. Two days later Boone caught up with the Indians, and through surprise attack rescued the girls. In 1778 he was captured by other band of Shawnee. Boone learned that the tribe was planning an attack on Boonseborough. He negotiated a settlement with Chief Blackfish of the Shawnee, preventing the attack. The Indians admired their captive for his skill as a hunter and woodsman. Boone was adopted into their tribe as a son of Blackfish. When Boone learned the Shawne were planning another assault, he escaped to warn his people.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Falkland Islands Conflict :: Falkland Islands War Independence Essays

No one really knows who discovered the Falkland Islands. Nearly either British historian will insist that the English explorer John Davis discovered the islands in 1592(1) while Argentineans typically credit Vespucci, Magellan, or Sebald de Weert. (2) The events of January 2, 1883 are non in dispute, however. On this date, James Onslow, captain of the HMS Clio, dropped anchor just off the Falklands. The next day he went ashore and raised the British flag. (3) This action maddened the Argentines, who had taken control of the Falklands upon receiving independence from Spain in 1816. With his imperialistic seizure of the islands, Onslow began a sequence of events that would end nearly 150 years later in war. before long after the invasion, the Argentine government set out four arguments in favour of their ownership of the Falklands 1. Argentina ruled all land in the land formerly held by Spain. 2. Spain had purchased the islands from France. 3. Britain had abandoned its championship to the Falklands in a secret 1771 agreement. 4. Britain had abandoned its settlement in West Falkland in 1774.(4) No matter how easy formed these arguments may have been, they fell on deaf ears in Britain. Lord Palmerston, the British Foreign Secretary, simply asserted that the Falklands had been British since the initial claim of sovereignty in 1765. (5) Although Argentina remained in a state of official protest, few things changed over the next 132 years. The issue was finally brought to the forefront in 1965 when the unify Nations passed Resolution 2065, which called upon Britain and Argentina to come to an agreement on the issue with reasonable speed. (6) With this resolution began what came to be called the Seventeen Year War between the two nations. In March 1967 Britain agreed that it might be possible to cede sovereignty of the Falklands to Argentina, as long as the islanders agreed. (7) While the Argentines may ha ve viewed this as a major concession, Britain had really given up very little. The Falkland islanders were quite resolute in their desire to remain subjects of the Queen.

Adult Education Essays -- Teaching Education Essays

Adult EducationEducation is the most important activity that each human should be an active partaker. Education is an activity that is designed to bring about changes in the knowledge, skills, attitudes and perceptions of individuals, groups or communities. Adult learning does not occur in a vacuum. What one needs or wants to learn, what opportunities are available, the manner in which one learns-all are to a large extent determined by the fellowship in which one lives. Whenever adults are asked about their learning, they most often mention education and training programs sponsored by the workplace, colleges and universities, public schools, and other formal organizations. They first watch classrooms with students learning and teachers teaching in a highly structured format. Yet when we ask these same adults about what they have learned informally over the be year, they typically respond with descriptions of learning activities outside these formal settings. They discus s, for example, remodeling a house, which has involved everything form reading and talking...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Political Correctness In The Classroom Essay -- essays research papers

Political Correctness In The ClassroomSchools in Canada have recently beat the battleground for the fight overhow much governmental correctness should be allowed to infiltrate grade schooltimeclassrooms. One give the sack take two sides when dealing with such issues as tough toys,good swooning fun, the benefits and disadvantages of political correctness.There is much controversy about violent toys which are far from beingconsidered politically correct. The toys that enter many grade school classroomsth peevishout the country may also seem offensive to people who try to be aspolitically correct as possible. I can remember an incident involving myself, awater gun and a teacher back in grade four. What had happened was that Ipondered onto school grounds with a flyspeck plastic watergun. As I proceeded downthe hallway a teacher took notice of my water-squirting device. She approachedme and ceased the toy from my hands . Many elementary school educators believethat violent toys ca n lead, and often do lead to violence if the children areallowed to play with the toys in an unsupervised environment.Something that used to be considered good clean fun has become aconstant frustration to teachers and parents everywhere. Many educators onrecess duty who have observed children at play have come to believe that roughplay which might look innocent can and often does lead to real violence. Thegoodness of teaching political correctness in the classroom is its ...

Political Correctness In The Classroom Essay -- essays research papers

Political Correctness In The ClassroomSchools in Canada have recently be move into the battleground for the fight overhow much political correctness should be allowed to infiltrate grade coachclassrooms. One can take two sides when dealing with such issues as raging toys,good loose fun, the benefits and disadvantages of political correctness.There is much controversy about violent toys which are far from beingconsidered politically correct. The toys that enter some(prenominal) grade school classroomsthroughout the country may also seem offensive to people who try to be aspolitically correct as possible. I can remember an incident involving myself, awater gun and a teacher back in grade four. What had happened was that Ipondered onto school cause with a tiny plastic watergun. As I proceeded downthe hallway a teacher took notice of my water-squirting device. She approachedme and ceased the toy from my hands . Many elementary school educators believethat violent toys can lead, an d often do lead to violence if the children areallowed to play with the toys in an unsupervised environment.Something that used to be considered good clean fun has become aconstant frustration to teachers and parents everywhere. Many educators onrecess duty who have observed children at play have come to believe that roughplay which might look innocent can and often does lead to real violence. Thegoodness of teaching political correctness in the classroom is its ...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Banyan Tree Brand Expansion Essay

1. Identify the primary issues in the case.When expanding the place globally, the existing methods and new methods need to ensure that brand film and core value must not be diluted by too generic target market or vague market position. When expanding the brand into different countries and regions, the competition within a specific location and competition between different locations are impossible to neglect. 2. What value propositions does Banyan Tree passing play as an experiential brand? By leveraging the natural surroundings unique to each location and adding consistency in the protrudes, facilities (including spas), ambience (including romance), and services (including immediate hospitality) offered, Banyan Tree created strong brand identity and a unique value proposition that was associated with self-indulgence and pampering experience.3. Evaluate Banyan Trees expansion invent. What are the potential risks that Banyan Tree should be aware of and how can it mitigate such r isks? Banyan Trees expansion plan is fast and ambitious. It ensures the brand exist globally in most popular destinations. The positive aspect of the geographic expansion is that it helps to reduce low-revenue period caused by seasonality. It in addition allows the community to take advantage of cross-marketing opportunities.Besides the expansion plan of new resorts, existing resorts expansion withal helps to increase the revenue, and it requires less capital expenditure and interchange flow. To offset the investment layouts, plans were in place to commerce selling resort residential properties in Lijiang, China and Bangkok, Thailand. But there were risks involving in it. These include non-homogeneous uncontrollable circumstances other than natural and man-made crises. To mitigate such risks, management agreements are good approaches that can reduce the risks of loss and responsibilities of development and maintenance. found on current resources, is it realistic and achievable ?It is realistic and achievable, but requires time to complete it. Since at present Banyan Tree hotel or resort for the most part have interest on ownership dependent on a list of variables including familiarity, profitability and partner. It takes time to lease the ownership and to only focus on the management, and it also needs consideration on the benefits and drawbacks comparing with the ownership management. 4. Please take a look at the financial statements and make recommendations for its growth strategy. harmonise to Banyan Trees revenue by geographic region, it shows that there is a large potential market in North-East Asia. At present, the company has done successful business especially in South-East Asia. One of the antecedents would be the geographic and cultural similarity.However, the North-East Asia is farther, and the political and economic reasons may also affect the business. What is more, the culture there is slightly different from the one in South-east Asia. Ho wever, the North-East Asia market is so big and potentially profitable. First reason is that people are getting richer and more purchasing power in this area, such as people in China. Second, there are abundant pretty natural scenic destinations where are good locations for building new resorts. Third, at present the service standard in Singapore is still higher than the norm level in this area. Therefore, Banyan Trees next step should invest on the resorts and hotels in this area, or establish management agreement in order to get into this market quicker with lower capital risks. 5. Explain Banyan Trees facilities design style.Banyan Trees facilities design style offers a more traditional, luxurious environment with a classic design. This especially is reflected in Banyan Tree Spas.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Warhead Cable Test Dilemma Stanton Wong

1) What stage of moral development do you deem Stanton Wong is at? What about Harry Jackson? Why do you think so? consort to Kohlbergs moral development theory, Stanton Wong is at post-conventional level. At this level, right action comes to be defined in terms of moral principles chosen because of their logical comprehensiveness, universality and consistency. It is because he is concerned with the well being of the innocent civilians and the military personnel if a missile misfired. Furthermore, he also thought how he advise firmness of purpose this problem so that everyone is cared for equally that not harmed by the missile misfired. For Harry Jackson, he is at pre-conventional level. It is because he does not cares of others except if it benefits himself and how senior management can reward him.2) What do you think Stanton should do now, and wherefore? Use one or more of the methods of ethical reasoning presented in the chapter to support your view. I think Stanton should as k the source inspector, Jane Conway to check the warhead cable and also opus to Jane Conway about the failed samples first. If Harry Jackson still ignores to exercise the problem then Stanton should report to senior management. Besides, he also can try getting someone in the parent company to get help. One of the methods of ethical reasoning is logic. I think it is logical for Stanton to report the mistakes to authorities as he cares for the civilians and the military personnel. The other method of ethical reasoning is consistency. I think the behavior of Stanton is arranged with his caring attitude and always think that what he can do to solve the problem.3) Should Stanton blow the whistle on his company? Why or why not? I think Stanton should inform senior management and should not become an external whistle-blower because the media should not be involved. He should try to solve the problem internally first before involving outside parties. Furthermore, he was respected by fact ory workers and management colleagues and he should not destroy his reputation by himself. Besides that, he also should not destroy the companys image because he himself is an employee of the company.4) What steps could the company take to prevent a speckle like this from occurring in the future? To prevent a situation like this from occurring in the future, the company should have an established set of testing rules and if a real number of tests fail out of another certain number then something needs to be done to fix the problem immediately. This rule should be purely implemented. Secondly, if there any serious disagreement between vice president and supervisor, the matter should directly report to top management. Besides that, the company should take actions on Harry Jackson such as issue him a warning letter or punishment so that he will not resort the mistake in future.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Evolution of the Concept of Childhood: Evidence from Childrenâۉ„¢s Literature Essay

Zohar Shavits discussion of the development of the construct of childhood takes into consideration the literary works that has been genuine for children. Shavits goal was to explain how the concept of childhood evolved as it is studyn along the lines of childrens literature. This essay will attempt to provide criticism regarding the behavior by which Shavit argued his case. Focus and attention will be towards the development of the argument. Furthermore, each section of Shavits article will be analyzed and critiqued in cost of how it contri scarceed to the strength of the authors argument. Shavit begins his article by discussing the beginnings of the concept of childhood. He depict how up until the seventeenth century, children lived in an adult world and were not considered as distinct from their adult counterparts. (Shavit, 318) In other words, the world had no concept of what a child was. Ein truth aspect of a childs lifespan was that of an adult as well. He cited various reasons for such including the fact that there was a high mortality rate among children and the poor survival of children during the time. Moreover, children did not rightfully enjoy a childhood as it is now defined for early in life, they were made to do things that adults do.Some marry at a very tender age while others are thrust into a working life. (Shavit, 318) Shavit then discussed how in the seventeenth century the unity between the lives of adults and children shifted to polarization. (Shavit, 319) He described how children began to develop their own way of life including the emergence of clothing and educational games. (Shavit, 319) Basically, at this time, a distinction between adults and children began to be established. The concept of childhood developed out of the polarization between the adults and the childs world. Shavit moved on to discussing the emergence of childrens literature specifically to meet the new-fangled educational needs of children as defined by the perceived need to mold children who were seen as delicate creatures. (Shavit, 320) Having established how childrens literature emerged, Shavit then discussed the phylogeny of the one of the most commonly analyzed childrens tales, Little Red Riding cover. He discussed how the story evolved just as the conception of childhood evolved as well. Shavits main argument and the thesis of his article is that the concept of childhood and its evolution through time shapes the literature that has been developed for children. Basically, as the concept of childhood is altered so is the literature for children. Shavits thesis is quite general. His summary lies along the general lines. (Shavit, 317) Furthermore, based on his thesis, one can see that the evolution and floor of both the concept of childhood and of childrens literature are necessary elements of his argument. As such, in order to prove his thesis, Shavit had to lay down the history of the concept of childhood and how childrens li terature emerged from the development of the concept. Shavits argument is well structured. He lay down the installation of his argument by providing historic insights in both the concept of childhood and of childrens literature. From this foundation, Shavit was able to show the relationship between childrens literature and the evolution of children in society. More importantly, this foundation was integral in his discussion of the primary source for readers are able to relate the concept of childhood in the text with the perception of childhood in society at the time the text was published. Shavits article moves on along a time line making it logical and sound. Shavit utilized an analysis of the text, Little Red Riding Hood to demonstrate how the concept of childhood evolved. More importantly, Shavit personad a comparison between two versions of the text to show that a difference in the conception of childhood existed between the two different time periods. Shavit compared Perraul ts version with that of The Brothers Grimm in order to illustrate how the concept of childhood influences the story.He quoted both versions to demonstrate how the two differed in particular parts of the story. For instance, Shavit quoted Perraults and The Brothers Grimms versions to show the difference between the two curiously in the part where the grandmothers love is expressed in the story. (Shavit, 330) Shavit did no divert from either text and ensured that both were properly quoted.Shavits use of the quotations was specifically for the purpose of showing the difference of the two versions in demonstrating family ties in the text. Other than for such purpose, Shavit failed to utilize the primary texts. Shavits arguments could have been strengthened by more use of the primary sources. Although he was able to extensively compare the two texts, he was not able to make readers appreciate the comparison since he insufficiently quoted the two versions.Shavit likewise compared the end ings of the two versions of the story. He noted that the difference in endings led to a change in the meaning and example of the story. (Shavit, 329) The moral of Perraults story was intended for the gentlemen since it emphasized the wolf. On the other hand, the Brothers Grimms version stresses Little Red Riding Hoods learning a lesson. (Shavit, 329) The difference in endings thus provides evidence that the two versions were intended for distinct audiences. Shavits discussion entailed the use of two versions of the Little Red Riding Hood to show how the concept of childhood evolved. However, as mentioned earlier, Shavit failed to utilize the texts adequately. Instead of quoting the texts, Shavit used his own perception and analysis to demonstrate the difference in the two versions. In other words, Shavits arguments lacked sufficient backing from primary sources. In his recount of the history of the concept of childhood, Shavit failed to cite sources for his descriptions. He mainly utilized his own descriptions and collar of history in his explanations. In his discussion of the two concepts of childhood that emerged in society, he failed to cite sources for it.His explanations were logical and easily understood. However, without enough evidence from sources, a fill in of doubt is seemingly cast over the authenticity and validity of his arguments. His arguments may be seen as subjective for he was unavailing to use historical sources. Shavits comparison of Perrault and The Brothers Grimms versions of Little Red Riding Hood were very extensive. He was able to cover several elements of the story including tone and ending. However, he was unable to justify most of his comparisons by quoting the texts. In general, Shavit was able to show how the concept of childhood evolved. He was able to demonstrate how a different concept of childhood emerged in Perraults and The Brothers Grimms versions. More importantly, he was able to show that at the two different times, children were thought of differently. In this light, Shavit was successful in proving his arguments but there is room for improvement. More historical sources will make Shavits arguments stronger and more sound. It will increase the validity of his statements.Works CitedShavit, Zohar. The Concept of Childhood and Childrens Folktales Test Case-Little Red Riding Hood. The Classic Fairy Tales. Ed. Maria Tatar. Norton, 1999. 317-332.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Drowned Out

Ivana Aleksich November 1, 2012 Film Review Drowned Out The way this documentary was filmed shows the people who contributed to the film to sustentation and work alongside the villagers and I found this helped capture the erectdid interviews and the honest and realistic impact of the way villagers of living in India due to the government dam up project. Not only do people have to make a choice of whether they Move to the slums in the city, accept a place at a resettlement site or stay at home and drown. This place is not just a piece of globe where they live but it is their home, their identity.This reminds me in person of my connection with Serbia. My family has to leave their homeland because of war and invasion. My family did not see this as moving to a better place, but saw it as their homeland being destroyed. Who they are as people dead in a place that no longer exists like it once had. This is how I see the people in the villagers, they are being forced to say goodbye to a certain part of them, their family, and ancestors forever. In the student presentation relating to the world bank and dams refers to something very cardinal to villagers. Non-material things are what are important to the villagers.After the dam is built, I will drown out the cultural traditions of the villagers, create maturement of affected communities in isolation, and cultural shift, radical lifestyles and attitudes. The documentary follows the villagers of Jalsindhi. This village is in Madhya Pradesh on the banks of the Narmada River about ten miles upstream from the Sardar Sarovar project. The 76 villages struggle through a battle against the dam. The lead character is Luharia Sonkaria, who is the villages medicine man, a role that was his fathers and grandfathers before him. The government provides them no viable alternatives.The government offers unusable land a hundred miles away or a small sum of money in compensation for their river-side land. The film documents hung er strikes, rallies, and a six year Supreme Court case, and finally follows the villagers as the dam fills and the river starts to rise. The documentary features Arundhati Roy, who has been an outspoken activist bringing international attention to the controversy. Government aims to provide electricity, irrigation and drinking wet to tens of millions of people. Government is confident in this claim. The government has a completely difference views of the impact of the dam.They believe the dam will help the people and make them happy. except the government has nothing to lose from this dam project because the people in government do not live in the area that the dam is conjectural to floor. The villagers have everything to lose and millions of them did. This brings up the struggle between the rich and the poor/the powerful and the less powerful. The big question that is stated in this documentary is, For whom is this development for? The government tries to convince the villager s that this is for them and their benefit, but in reality the villagers are not being taken into account for this dam project.This dam development is solely for the determination the one thing that is universally valued money and the power of government. Villagers and poor people are not at level in society where they can rely on money and power. They believe in things that the government and money could never find important. Villagers value their traditions and their old lifestyle. The government and the world bank is working to become more modern and to gain more money. For this reason alone, the government is aware of what will happen to the villagers but the government could not understand how unwaveringly this project will hurt the villagers and their lives.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Education psychology Essay

Introduction ParagraphTeachers are important, because they are many students role models, My perception of an ideal teacher is basically of a favourable serviceman being, kind, compassionate, understanding and forgiving, who is interesting and fun loving, some ane, who loves us and gutter make teaching interesting. Teaching is considered to be a noble profession but today passel opt for this profession without giving a thought to the sacrifice, commitment and dedication it needs.There are many teachers but it would not be wrong formulate that very few have the aptitude and attitude to become teachers, many are in this profession more for the sake of earning money. An ideal teacher is the one who loves students and can inspire them. An ideal teacher should know the subject well and can make it so interesting that children do not get bored. When he/she teaches, the students are spell bound. An ideal teacher is a good actor who can put life into any dull topic.Students want to be i n the class by choice and not by force. He/she should have a good sense of humor, not sensitive, can laugh at him and can also laugh with the students. He/she does not get angry easily and can enjoy each moment of being with students. He/she should be want a friend in whom the students can confide easily without the fear of being ridiculed or criticized. An ideal teacher is kind and forgiving. He/she always has quantify to solve problems of the students, not losing his/her temper.He/she is honest, disciplined, simple and humble. He/she never brags about what he/she knows and does not try to prove that he/she is God and knows everything. A good teacher is also not proud, but ready to accept his mistakes and does not hesitate to apologize. Thus, a teacher with the above qualities would be an ideal teacher I guess.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Different Views on Ethical Perspectives Essay

We, as human organisms atomic number 18 more often awargon of our operationions. Before we make decisions critical abstract comes with a great consideration. We are able to analyze these things because are considered as rational beings and we subscribe to the ability to think to the highest level we can. We opt to consider whether these things are good or non, if its right or wrong and if its really needed or not this we often consider as ethics. morals is an issue of morality. There are things that we do that others consider wrong, but others may consider righteous.According to the society we should act as what it considers right norms are genius of the foundations of ethics and we should act accordingly. Norms can be a basis of what is morally right or wrong. There are four linear horizons to be discussed in this paper, individually of them having their own characteristics and each of them having their strong points and their weaknesses. The perspectives are universally known as the character or virtue, deontology or the perspective of obligation, the opening of utilitarianism and the equity or commandment of relativism.The conjecture of utilitarianism points out two things one thing is make better than the other if we could gain more pleasure from it, and the other thing is not that good, or better yet to say evil, if we could only gain pain sensation from it. This theory likewise states that we do things voluntarily, that one is considered as the buffer storage of his own decisions and that such consequences could pass water not taken place if only he did or did not do such actions.The amount or quantity of pleasure or pain takes into a great consideration in the concept of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is better understood as having the maximization quantity of benefit and less quantity of bad or the pain it can cause. A person would become two distinct excerpts, the first one is that if he does the action he would gain more pleasure or shall I say he can maximize the benefits of the action the other is that if he does the action he would have to gain more risks and consequences.The first choice would be most favored because we, as human beings would not want to suffer from the choices we make, we do not want to be suffering from the consequences of our actions so what we do is do the thing that would give us the most favorable and maximum quantity of pleasure (Moore, 1912). Virtue is an ethical perspective that tackles about the actions that we make and the ideals we have in lifespan that we should strive for and that these ideals help us in developing our highest potentials as human beings.This focuses on the traits or character that one has, the dispositions in life and the attitudes whether be it bad or good. Virtues are acquired through doing it everyday, they become a persons characteristic when they are practiced for the longer time. There are a lot of characteristics and virtues a person can have truthf ulness, patience, honesty, and courteous are around of these. Virtue would help us in pursuing the ideals that we have in life (C. A. Manuel Velasquez, Thomas Shanks, S.J. , and Michael J. Meyer 1996). The theory of ethical relativism states that morality is based on the culture of a society. It singles out that one can all be wrong or right, bad or evil depending on the society the person belongs to the society is the one concerned in creating its own culture. This theory is basically called relativism because being good or bad is relative of the kind of society a person belongs to the society dictates whatever thing is perceived as good or bad.Every single society shares a common culture, this culture defines good and bad and the people should act with accordance to the standards of the society they belong. This theory is often argued because of the fact that every single society has its own culture and therefore has its own perception of bad or good. However, this theory is use ful in exploring the reasons behind the differentiation of culture among societies (C. A. Manuel Velasquez, Thomas Shanks, S. J. , and Michael J. Meyer, 1992).Obligation perspective holds the golden rule do not do unto others what you dont want others do unto you. It scarce states that we should do what is only right and not what is wrong. It holds the principle of doing what is good because of the obligation. Say for example, a person should tell the truth because that person is bound to have an obligation to tell the truth because he doesnt want other people not to trust him and because he upholds the value of truthfulness. This perspective is sometimes being pertained to utilitarianism, but it is totally different.While obligation is obligatory, utilitarianism is a voluntary act. After taking the ethical awareness test, I have known that what ethic perspective dominates in me is the obligation or the deontology. My perspective is based on my obligation or duty to do what is mora lly right. With this, I am to consider a thing as ethical if I choose how I act and what rules I am willing to oblige. It is also stated in my ethical perspective that the people should not be treated as a means to justify an end, simply stating the end does not justify the means.I also believe that every single individual should be given the respect that any man should have and therefore I wont be able to comply with the policies and social traditions aimed at the best interest of the society as a whole. However, my approach to ethics requires legal and humane limits, I simply believe that people should be allowed to make their own choices and I advocate policies that have the intention to ensure equal opportunities for all as well as equal respect. My ethical perspective upholds the principle of doing things in accordance with the standards of right and wrong.However, though my ethical perspective aims to do what is morally right I am faced with numbers of dilemmas with regards to work. These problems would somehow cause me frustrations and may exit to a more devastated life in the future for it is not only concerned in the present but it also pertains to the future. One of the problems I am going to face with this perspective is that the people I work with expertness argue that some people within a society are not able to act in their own best interests.I may find this a fallacy because it was once used in the denying of the equitable treatment to women and the minorities. This somehow would result to frustration. The second problem I am to face with this perspective is that what I perceived to be morally right may not benefit most of the people. It doesnt necessarily mean that if I have perceived a thing to be morally right it would maximize the good or pleasure. This would cause me another frustration because if I had made a decision which I perceived to be right and it didnt work to be beneficial I may have doubts when I make a decision again.It might cause greater problems in the future. Another dilemma I am to face with this perspective is that defending this may end up in scotch hardship in worst cases I can be terminated. Say for example, in a working place several employees should be terminated because the friendship is having low production because these people are handicapped or they are simply not productive, the best action would be to terminate them but I, as a moralist would say that they should not be terminated because they have children.In the long run, if these people would be in the company and the company has allay a low productivity the company would have losses and it may lead to closure because of the losses. Having things perceived as morally right may not be totally right some may be beneficial but some can create more problems. We as human beings should act accordingly to whatever it is that we perceive because these choices are free of charge, because God created us with the opportunity of having what w e call free will and should be practiced.We should not depend on what others may in making our decisions but we should also be ready for the consequences that accompany our decisions. Whatever action we do we should think of it twice, we should think that there are always two sides of a story. We should not be bounded by obligations because this might cause us greater frustrations in the future and this may lead to a very low self-esteem. We dont want these to happen thats why we should think critically and make decisions wisely because we are the pilot of our own lives.

Movie Au Hasard Balthazar by Robert Bresson

Movies are calculate of the social scenario of the contemporary period. Along with entertainment, these have various social, political and psychological perspectives attached to it. This paper is establish on movie Au Hasard Balthazar by Robert Bresson. In his 1966 painting, Robert Bresson, has focused primarily on his female image Marie, and her donkey Balthazar. The plot intertwines the fate of both these elements, until finally the symbolic fraternity in the midst of the two is established. patch the donkeys fate is clear, we cannot be sure of Marie, beyond what we are told in the narrative.A shy, farm missy in the French countryside, Marie follows what something of Maggie Tullivers experience, suffering abuse from different people in her life, oscillating between lovers, finally deciding that she mustiness accept fate, perhaps even rely on some miscellany of tragic occurrence to relieve her of her pain. This has been called narcissistic rage in literature terminology, a nd finds its sharpest embodiment in the fibre of Marie. She too faces the trauma of her parents disgrace, because of her receives decision, a mother who stands by the father but ultimately sees the pointless agony of a self pride, and then poverty and loss.The reason wherefore women are presented in such terms, is as Laura Mulvey would say in her essay Visual Pleasure and account Cinema, due to the unconscious of patriarchal society. In this preexisting fascination with the female object, phallocentrism depends on image of the castrated woman. Female symbolism speaks of castration and her lack produces the phallus as symbolic. It stands as a build to the male other. It is thus the bearer of meaning, and not its maker. Women are bound by linguistic predominate to this situation, a command imposed by man to carry out his fantasies and obsessions.The formulation surely owes something to Bressons Au Hasard, Balthazar, whose literal ass here becomes a figurative bull-a creature whos e portion of spirituality is earned in expressions of indiscriminate wrath and sexual irritability. (Librach, 1992) There are two processes at work in cinema. whizz is the separation of erotic identity of the subject, the viewer, from the object, the character on screen. While for women, the way that other characters in the film look at her is the same as how viewers look at her, with the male, the viewer feels as though he is looking at the absolute mirror image of himself.Thus Gerard with his leather jacket and his motorcycle, his display of authority, a great deal through violence and abuse, seems the perfect embodiment of masculinity, someone that the heroine, simple by virtue of occupying screen space, must fall for in the end. It rests on the belief that each one of us essentially thinks of himself as a Gerard. While recent feminist studies would refute this and recent changes in cinema have tried to stand for the two sexes on screen, the screen largely remains a sexual p arameter due to its connection with the ego, something that greatly manifests sexuality.The woman, however, is isolated, put on display and sexualized. This is what Mulvey terms the castration complex. In order for the woman to no longer be a threat because she lacks what men have, she must be glamorized into an object of desire, or fetish. Marie finds a consolation in the donkey. It has been presented as the other, against which Marie can understand the need to sympathize and be pitied and loved. Marie is essentially a Christ figure, whose ultimate ideals find their embodiment in Balthazar.Perhaps it is for this reason that the donkeys fate has been presented explicitly, slice Maries future remains in doubt. The perfect Christ must face explicit crucifixion. Marie ability seem overtly tragic. This is somewhat due to Bressons insistence on purity of emotion. In this manner, Balthazar is the perfect Bresson character. Covered with snow, we know that he is cold, his tail on fire, we know that he is scared, and finally finding slumber and motionlessness among the sheep, we know that his end has come.When three children baptize it symbolism tells us here that there is a place for all creatures in the house of god. The town drunkard Arnold is shows compassion, despite his other crimes. All the characters in the village are essentially flawed. However, the films religious imagery and minimal use of aesthetical detail makes it a powerful statement that highlights the barest of human emotions and thoughts. Reference Librach, Ronald S. The Last Temptation in tight Streets and Raging Bull. Literature/Film Quarterly 20. 1 (1992) 14+. Questia. Web. 11 May 2010.

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Conviction of George Burroughs

The reading by Johnson starts out with a married lady by the name of Katherine Watkins complaining of rape by a black slave. Throughout the remainder of this section, depositions be stipulation by other black slaves and people who claim to have witnessed the occurrence. Most of the accounts indicate that Mrs. Watkins seduced the slave into a sexual act and then blamed it on him in order to stay out of the derange that her Quaker husbands beliefs would have brought on her. The other section in this book is the talk by John Winthrop entitled, A Model of Christianity.Two rules by which all men should abide, he says, are to show mercy and do justice. Among many other good deeds, he preaches love among Christians, performing receipts for the Lord, having unity and conformity in the residential district, and strict obedience to Gods word lest some penalty befall you. The handout given in class deals with the issue of homosexuality and the punishments for sodomy and buggery. The read ing by Marcus was solely concentrated on the Salem Witch Trials.A former minister, George Burroughs, is accused of witchcraft and much of the section deals with people who claimed to have been bewitched by him. There are a couple of letter by Cotton Mather explaining the difficulty of the witchcraft trials and his defense of the conviction of George Burroughs. The rest of this reading is letters of plea by the accused and more letters relating to the trials. The role of compound women in society is given an in depth look in the segment by Graebner.In these days, the husband was seen as the supreme headspring of the family and women were basically domestic. Women were basically known only as the wife of their husbands and often helped them with their business affairs. Eventually, a minimum level of trade arose among women in the village, but nothing big enough to trigger a titanic outbreak of feminism at that time. A womens role in society can basically be summed up in this quo te, The economic roles of married women were based upon two potentially conflicting set gender specialization and identity of interest.A wife was expected to become expert in the charge of a household and the care of children, but she was also asked to assist in the economic affairs of her husband, neat his representative and even his surrogate if circumstances demanded it. Three concepts that were all tied together in Colonial America were sin, legality, and community. Their definitions of sin were taken before a jury for the proper punishment, and thus their sense of community was being broken down by the fact that so many people were being sentenced and penalise for the sins that the legal system found them guilty of.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Politics and Propaganda

Political advertising is often considered a deceitful and scheming idea. Advertisers c atomic number 18fully word everything they include in an advertisement to give off a claim that many viewers do not realize is not really there. These false claims are meant to alter the habituals eruptlook in favor of the advertisement. Barrack Obama and Hillary Clintons advertisements are primary examples of the devious techniques that are exemplified in the works of William Lutz and Donna Woolfolk interbreed through the use or weasel words, stroking, and euphemisms.During his first presidential election in 2008 for the elective candidate, Barrack Obama launched an advertisement titled Defining Moment. He says he will launch a fork up plan for the middle class and provide a tax cut for ninety-five percent of running(a) Americans and will piss low-cost loans available to small businesses. Obama promises to focus on our urgent national priorities by reducing the cost of health care and provi de children with the grooming financial aid they need to compete. In parliamentary law to raise the money he needs for these promises, he plans to eliminate programs that do not work (Political chat Lab).According to Lutzs essay about weasel words, Obamas advertisement is full of words that can force the auditory modality to make assumptions that they should not. In the first part of this advertisement, he promises a tax cut, but never specifies the quantity of piece of the tax cut. The tax cut percentage could be so slight that it does not make a difference at all, and really would not affect a viewers judgment. However, this advertisement is designed to allow the audience to assume the cut will be of a large sum and will benefit them. Obama in any case never declares what he considers to be a low-cost loan or a small business.What he considers to be low-cost and small may very well be different than that of a viewer. Obama adds those chicane words help and reduce that Lutz was sure to warn about in his article. These words, like low-cost and small, mean nothing at all and he is not really making a promise to do anything. The word help only means to aid or assist and reduce simply means lessen in amount (Lutz 443). This advertisement could alike tie in with crossways essay Propaganda How Not to Be Bamboozled. Obama is saying anything and everything the public wants to hear him say in order for him to become the more desired candidate.Cross defines this technique as argumentum ad populum, also known as stroking (Cross 126). Advertisers used strategies included in both Cross and Lutzs essays to scam the viewers into believing he was making this sincere promise to them. An advertisement created by Obama titled Need Education was solely aired on television to attack recitals made by confrontation and Republican John McCain. This advertisement stated McCain opposed a law to give women equal assume for equal work and he dismissed wage gap saying that women just need education and training. The woman speaking throughout the advertisement claimed that John McCain is the one who needs an education on the preservation (Political Communication Lab).The last statement of this advertisement is easily associated with Lutzs essay The World of Doublespeak. The advertisers are using the express needs an education as a euphemism. They chose a more appropriate and not as obtrusive way of calling McCain stupid and not knowing what he is talking about when it comes to the economy (Lutz 160). This statement alone could alter a viewers opinion of McCain because they would not want a non-educated man in office.Hillary Clinton, also a Democrat running for president, aired her advertisement Voice during the 2008 election. Clinton states that she hears everyone in America. They are asking for cheap health care, less foreclosures on homes, more affordable gas prices, and make college more affordable. Clinton claims she will conduce more to the White House than just her experience and will bring your voice (Political Communication Lab). The advertisers crawl in words such as less and more all throughout this advertisement. How much is much and exactly low less is less?The answer is different for every person and Clinton never indicates her substance of these words. More and less are two prime examples of weasel words that correlate with Lutzs article. These words are meant to marker the audience since they do not have a true meaning and were carefully selected for this advertisement (Lutz 450). By saying she will bring the voice of America into the White House, she is putting into action a scheme defined by Cross. Just as Obama, she is using the argumentum ad populum tactic to convince viewers that she actually is the best interest for America (Cross 126).Advertisers strategically use these lines of attack to make their candidate seem to be top of the line and clearly the best option for everyone. Understanding the techniques described by both Cross and Lutz that are used in political advertising is crucial to the people of America. If viewers are insensible of these tactics then they are more likely to be fooled when the outcome of these so called promises dont turn out to be what was expected. Educating the public of the manipulating intentions in advertising can save a person from having their opinion stubborn for them and allow them to truly make the best decision for their country.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Management Information Systems Essay

This paper go out discuss the local anesthetic agate line of Fascinations Beauty Salon, and the internet strategic model to help develop this company. This railway line will brook to piss a new strategy that set up for the viable benefits. Fascinations Beauty Salon will need to be equipped in order to benefit from creating a website. This paper will in addition discuss the functions of the business through the internet website. Management Information Systems Fascinations Beauty Salon has been in business for quite a long time, equal fifty years. It is located in the residential area level the street from an Elementary school and a Baptist Church.The owner Mrs. B. has been doing hair for the majority of her life in the corresponding place and she still has plenty of clients. These clients have been her business for quite some time, and she shares her salon with another beautician that only works certain days. Just recently, Mrs. B. had been probeing to research into expandi ng her business services and was asking slightly having her business on the internet. Mrs. B. had just realized that she wanted to be in the race with her competitors in the Galveston County area.I spoke to Mrs. B. he other day informing her that Fascinations Beauty Salon could expand the products that she sells on a regularly basis and as well as her services. Between the women that work at this place and the students that have been in the business to get a feel, or trained with internships that she should have a website. So that when tidy sum want or need some sort of hairstyle or needs a clip or maybe even a product that only she carries that, they could send a quick electronic telecommunicate out to the business or they could go to her place of business to receive such services and products.I explained to her that E-commerce is a way that patrons and businesses are getting fast admission to the internet global market. E-commerce is spreading like a wildfire, in the areas of exporting and advertising of manufactured goods and benefits by the usage of profound processing units and systems. I advised her that she could triple her business and that I would set up her business with an electronic commerce with a certain type of internet industry example like (B2C) industry-to-customer which means that ustomers can buy right off with her company instead of trading with any liaisons.Mrs. B. inquired about the ways that a web site could dish her in benefitting, and I informed her that a web site could assist her company receive a viable gain with a planned effect on her business. With the planned effect on her business implemented as having the lowest assembly or in service expenses, offering distinctive commodities, aiming a definite section of the marketplace, increasing new ways of liability dealing, increasing commodities, or benefits, and starting collections that grok jointly.With electronic storefronts, consumers can shop on the virtual web site via electronic files and shopping walker replicas. Also by moving your stock franchise business on the internet, it can improve productiveness and increase the buyer overhaul. Here the business can develop an electronic exchange with a conspiracy to contenders and dealers with the benefit of supercomputers and Web sites to purchase and vend merchandise, exchange market statistics, and manage the rear organization procedures, such as monitoring the supplies.The Fascinations Beauty Salon serviceable qualifications for the use of the internet and the web could subsidy it with the natural address of business, telephone number, e-mail, hours of functions, beauty salon overhaul proposed, such as (extensive overhaul shop, loveliness merchandise, waxing, alterations, facials / comprise / skin-care, perms, spirals, haircuts).Also shows advertisements, present documentations, brands suggestions, (Rusk, Nexus, CHI, Matrix, Logics, Red- kens), with exclusive overhaul proposals ( appointments, w alk-ins welcome, free parking, group bookings, and clientele performances (all ages, children, men, women, wedding parties).The technological specifications for the elect business consist of the listed hardware as the following the case to holds the computer, and a CPU or central processing unit, (also known as a tower) on with drives like CD and DVD drives that can graft information onto the CDs and the DVDs. A monitor the shows the information on the screen along with a keyboard that is used to type information into the computer and a mouse device as a pointing cursor that shows on the monitor.A printer used to print the information as displayed on the monitor. The boniface domain that I suggest for Fascinations Beauty Salon is Go Daddy. Com, it can be very reclaimable with an SSL Certificate, offers many templates for the business, and is user friendly for everything that pertains to this business. As far as the software, I would recommend that this business would try Hair-Ma x Salon Software that offers many different optional tabs to assist the business and make it more profitable.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Belonging Speech Essay

Belonging? What does it mean to you? And what ar you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve it? As the human beings need to belong often overtakes us and disregards moral philosophy and value in order to do what we crave so badly and connect with those near us. In Arthur Millers The Crucible the desire to belong has over-ridden every other legal opinion the human mind could possibly have. As Miller examines the results when individuals neglect their beliefs and are pushed to the edges of absolute exclusion and dis community.Whereas in Gabrielle Carey and Kathy Lettes novel pubescence Blues it is clear that two best friends are willing to turn a blind eye to their own individualal morals and beliefs in order to create a commonplace social status for themselves and conform to the Greenhill Gang. And again leave behind run unearthed a new person beneath the mean, unlovable and lonely boy in Matt Damon and Ben Afflecks Good exit Hunting, by simply making an unbreakable conn ection with Sean Macquire. The town of Salem is experiencing upheaval by the possible thought of witchcraft, characters are becoming so desperate that they are willing to give the dogs the lie they want.It is an brain for self-survival that people will change their views on the world around them in order to connect and prove the power or position they hold in their society. Danforth is a character who does exactly this, and changes his mind to eccentric his own priorities of becoming a Boston Judge. He is a man capable of decision making ones fate by so called ridding Salem of Satan, and individually hanging those who refuse to give him the defense he wants such as Rebecca Nurse, Martha Corey and the Crucible himself washbasin Proctor.These three particular people are greatly respected in the Salem community until the beautiful, attention seeking 17 year old know as Abigail Williams causes the uproar that the devil is in Salem. Young Abigail is an independent, free thinking wo man who has had a roiling upbringing, as she was orphaned and belonged to no family in particular after she watched her parents get slaughtered. Both Abigail and Will Hunting have a connection, as they are both orphans, have had troubled upbringing and never matte up like they have truly belonged anywhere.For a long while, Proctor strode around Salem as if his jointure was fine and he had never erst committed a sin, a crime, though this was not true, as he had turned his head from his ill wife Elizabeth to the alpha female, Abigail. And he was frowned upon by Hale when he could recite only 9 of the 10 commandments, needing Elizabeth to correct him with just two words Adultery, John. though he soon discovered that he did not belong to Abigail because the promise a stallion gives a mare is the promise he gave that girl. Between John and Abigail the only connection was lust, and it never lasted.John and Elizabeth were more than than just a stallion and a mare they were a true conn ection and promise. He became a better husband once committing adultery as he put it behind him and swore I will cut off my hand before I will ever reach for you again. We never stirred Abby, which expresses that he would do anything to keep his marriage with Elizabeth alive. Abigails promiscuity is also apparent in Puberty Blues, as the two main characters fulfil and Debbie are beginning to discover their own internality done their conformity with the Greenhill Gang.Belonging to the Greenhill Gang means everything to the girls, because if they are not a part of it they are downgraded with comments such as Rack off ya moll but once they are accepted, they soon form that their power has been taken from them and they no longer have opinions and must do exactly what the boys say. The girls must sink where the line is and how far they can step over it when it comes to their sexual relations with the boys, as this gives them the power they were looking for for but also neglects th eir values and morals.Will Hunting however isnt worried more or less his sexual relationships he is worried about letting people into his life, after dealing with abusive foster parents his wide life. He is torn between his unintelligent work mates, the industrial wasteland and the university. Sean Macquire the physiatrist is a man that turns Will Huntings life upside down, the moment he first meets him. They make an unbreakable connection by sharing stories and opening up with each other. These sessions that Will spend with Sean, make him soon straighten out that he does belong and he is loveable though he still has to go see about a girl.Sean was a big part of Wills life because if they hadnt met, Will may have completely wasted his life and alienated himself from others. Both Will Hunting and John Proctor cross paths with their belonging issues, as they are unsure of themselves and who they truly belong to. But once their eyes have been opened they realise where it is they sho uld belong. And that is to themselves, not their friends or wives, themselves.As Procter discovers his true meaning of his life, he yells with all his might It is my nominate and I cannot have another in my life.. Leave me my name This is where he has his goodness and no one, not even Elizabeth could possibly take it from him. So yes, belonging is an spirit for self-survival and is triggered by a sense of alienation. In all my three texts, it is clear that John Proctor, Will Hunting, Sue and Debbie all experience a need to belong. And at first they all disregard their morals and values and are unable to order their priorities, but in the long run they discover that neglecting their personal morals and values is too much of a price to pay to just belong. So again I will ask you, what are you willing to sacrifice?

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Critically Evaluate how Theories of Leadership Define and Explain how Essay

Critically Evaluate how Theories of drawship Define and Explain how to Identify and Create Effective Leaders - Essay ExampleHowever, recently in that respect has been increasing emphasis or recognition of dispersed leadership. This approach, having its foundation in psychology, sociology and politics rather than the oversight sciences considers leadership to be a work on which is diffused through the organization instead of lying with the designated leader. The give birth project seeks to extend to a critical evaluation of the various expositions of leadership. It then goes on to explain how to break and create effective leaders in the organization. It focuses on the traditional and individualistic views of leadership as these atomic number 18 considered to beat the greatest relevance to the field of management development and leadership standards in organizations. Critical outline Leadership is an extremely high valued and highly sought after commodity. It is a putting surface capitulum for people to ask what make for the good leaders. Moreover leadership has attracted attention of the researchers all across the globe and a review of the scholarly articles on the subject reveals that there are numerous theoretical approaches for explaining the complexities of the process of leadership (Northouse, 2009, p.1). Some researchers have considered leadership as behaviour or indication while others have viewed the same from a relational standpoint or an information processing perspective (Northouse, 2009, p.1). Leadership define Stogdill (1974) brought forth through a series of research that there are as many antithetical definitions of leadership as there are people trying to define it. Although for each one unrivalled knows intuitively about the meaning of the term, it appears mean differently to different individuals. The mere attempt to give a definition to leadership creates the discovery that it has numerous different meanings (Northouse, 200 9, p.2). Certain components have been identified as being commutation to the conceptualization of leadership. Firstly leadership is considered to be a process it includes a certain amount of find it occurs in groups and finally it involves common goals. Considering the above components the most common definition of leadership has evolved. Leadership has been delimit as a process in which a single individual has influence over a group of individuals in order to attain a common goal (Northouse, 2009, p.2). The definition of leadership as a process means that it is neither a characteristic nor a trait residing in the leader it is rather a transactional event occurring between the leaders and the followers. The term process implies that it is not a one way event both leaders and followers get affected in the process. They need each other mutually. According to the views of Burns (1978), although there is a close link between the leaders and the followers, principally leaders are more associated with the initiation of the relationship, the creation of communication linkages and carrying the responsibility or burden of maintaining the relationship (Northouse, 2009, p.4). Theories of Leadership Researchers are of the opinion that a difference exists between the trait and process theory of leadership. It is common for people to think that people are born to be leaders or that people make leaders naturally. These are some statements which are generally expressed by people who consider the trait perspective towards leadership. The perspective suggests that

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Crime and The American Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crime and The American Dream - Essay ExampleThe American has adopted a capitalist fraternity that leads to lack of well-disposed control and deviant behaviour. The American Dream refers to broad ethnic ethos that has a goal of success open to competition. Americans are socialized to believe that they can achieve it regardless of nay obstacles, since it is a free country of equal opportunities (Messner, & Rosenfeld, 2012).This Dream has a distorted the determine of Americans where they focus on monetary success and disregard happiness with commitment to acquire hearty gains. This has created a culture of prioritizing material gain using illegitimate methods to gain success that results in anomic imbalance in the society (Maume, & Lee, 2003).The Anomies means disintegration of social controls that produce high likelihoods of deviant behaviour that leads to the breakdown of morals in the society. America has a set of norms and values that distinguish its culture from others which explains the foundation of Americans are resistance to social control and hence culpable to criminal temptation,This means that norms and values that are supposed to modeling the cultural and social stamina in America is the main motivator of high rates of criminal behaviour, and the values are individualism, achievement, orientation and materialism. The American society looks at its social worth by what it accomplishes since it is the primary objective. The methods utilize to get to such a point are disregarded since the focus is the end goal. In the out of bounds of success, this means that one must also achieve their own success thus creating competition in the society rather than moulding collaboration. This demotivates use of legal means especially to those with limited resources (Agnew, 1992).These values mould the minds of Americans in such a way to legitimize harmful means of achieving success, and this creates an obsession with crime. The Anomie surmisal integrates the concepts why American Dream leads

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Sunny Phone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

blithesome Phone - Essay ExampleSunny Phone has all the advanced features of latest available mobile phones with attractive designs. Its uniqueness is that its battery gouge be charged using solar power. Australian mobile manufacturing industry is highly competitive and mature as most of the merchandise leaders are present in this market. With favorable economic condition, the Australian telecommunication industry is growing and there are significant opportunities for Green-Tech. To penetrate the market, Green-Techs marketing system ordain focus on enhancement of consumers measure out and its core generic strategy impart be differentiation focused strategy. For controlling and planning, Green-Tech has developed management and financial plans. There allow for be bright management teams for each department. As per the market analysis, the sales forecast for Sunny Phone is determined 3600 units during kickoff year, and using this figure, the financial planning has been projec ted. Initial start up cost for Green-Tech is around AUD 24 one thousand thousand and the alliance is expected to earn AUD 97200 in its first operating year. 2. Introduction In the post-modern age of switch and business, starting a new accident is very challenging task as prevailing market is very competitive. Besides, the risks associated with a new venture are always higher than existing business. Therefore, it is very needed to develop a business plan forecasting entire business activities before starting the venture and business plan is also helpful in convincing investors for generating necessary funds (Peterson, Jaret and Schenck, p.13). This paper lead attempt to present a business plan based on an innovative product. There will be brief descriptions regarding the overview of company, product, market analysis, major strength & weaknesses, management plan and financial plan. This paper will also offer a set of plausible recommendations for successful product launch. 3. Com pany Overview and Its Mission, Vision and Objectives Green-Tech secluded Ltd is privately held company which is engaged in manufacturing an innovative mobile phone and it will be own by a number of shareholders who will make significant financial contributions. The primary aim of this company is to manufacture and offer eco-friendly mobile phones. The company has realized the importance of practising green business in minify the negative come to of business activity. The fundamental business value and ethics of Green-Tech involve value maximation of its stakeholders by developing harvesting oriented organisational and work culture. The company will operate in Australian market by setting up its manufacturing plant, research and development center and a corporate office. The spot of plants, office and R&D center will be selected by as per the market viabilities. The shareholders will be legal owners and responsible for managing and controlling business activities. In order to d evelop a growth orientated business structure and strategies, companys mission, vision and specific objectives are developed and given(p) below Mission statement Green-Tech is committed to offer products which will have least negative impact on environment and society. Therefore, the companys mission statement is to offer eco-friendly products that will enhance the value of consumers and their environment by using innovative technology. Vision Statement Green-Tec

Monday, May 13, 2019

Did the British public opinion about the Iraq War changed during the Essay - 1

Did the British national assessment near the Iraq War changed during the war - Essay ExampleHowever, the public support for the military actions which be government led in Britain plays an important role in foreign and defense policies. Public creed establishes the political mission legitimacy, maintains the effectiveness of the military, sustains the morale of the deployed troops in war, and justices the required budget for resourcing military. at that place is no robust evidence of what the public of British thinks about the mission of British involvement in Iraq. There is also a difference of opinion among them. Despite the length of involvement of United Kingdom in the Iraq war, the public opinion is difficult to be entirely determined about the mission.The public opinions data in the Iraq war area choose been collected through opinion polls. The opinion polls provided evidences which are relatively timely and quick about the public perceptions and opinions. Nevertheless, there exist potential issues which regard the sample representatives related to to some social groups like those people without the landline or internet access. Representative and independent surveys of UK about the public opinion towards the Iraq war mission have shown a contrast in public attitudes. The surveys merely have not always included the comparisons of formal statistics on how the public opinion may differ.The UKs public opinion on the war in Iraq has no relation to the estimations of UK about the military casualties tolerance. UK studies have drawn on the theories that are suggesting on public opinion on war. The theory suggests that the public opinion about objectives, moral justifications and success of the military campaign is related to the military death acceptability by the public. There are other theories also which suggest that absolute number of death is of large irrelevance. The ideal estimates of military deaths are associated with the public attitudes

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Society-Law & Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Society-Law & Government - Essay ExampleThe adult parole population grew 1.1%, cost increase to a total of 732,351 by December 31, 2001. Glaze also added that since 1995, there had been a steady gain in correctional population. From 1.3 portion annual growth, it had increased to 3.7 per centum per annum on jails, 3.6 percent per annum on prisons, and 3.4 percent per annum on probation (Glaze, 2001).With the continued financial difficulty brought about by the global economic crisis, it is no ask that to a greater extent and more people are committing felony. For some, drugs could have been a government agency of escape since 25 percent or a quarter of all probationers were convicted of a drug law violation. Others, alcoholic beverage had been a way of escape since 18 percent of all probationers were arrested for driving intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol (Glaze, 2001). I would definitely agree with the statistics given the fact that the general American public is very stress out with ways of coping with financial difficulty that almost everyone is experiencing right now.Social stratification refers to the mingled strata of social groups that make up the community. Social groupings based on gender, ethnicity, power, economic affluence, are just a few means to which people are grouped together. For instance, in our current society, people are more often associated with upper, middle, or lower classes. By studying the concepts of social stratification, one would be able to tell apart how each social group relates to one another and how their presence affects the community as a whole. By doing so, it hopes to be able to find the root causes of inequality and its impact on the overall aspects of the social purport (Saunders, 1990).In terms of the delivery and quality of legal services in the United States, I mean that economic inequality and ethnicity are two driving social forces that impact its efficacy.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Case study hillton's transformation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hilltons transformation - Case body of thrash ExampleThis spirit of togetherness and unity of the community was manifested in the metropolis and all the parties involved in the heavens including the labor unions representing the employees accepted that all the employees be given the opportunity to exercise their freedom at their produce places. Based on their experience, the workers are accorded the opportunity for growth and development through rise in ranks and promotion. only the employees at Hillton were working in the environment where all their activities in the industry were guided by industrial legislations and regulations. Under these clauses, all the employees are entitled to equal treatment and fair treatment with equality. The employees at Hillton were anticipate to adequately learn and acquire the skills that match their job skills and technical competence. Besides, the employees of Hillton must keep good work records as they waits for their turn to rise to the ran ks. Since 1970s, Hillton has experience economic growth and development. Over these years, the economy of this depleted urban center has posted a significant increase in the economic status covering all the sectors of the economy. The urban center was characterized by changes in the demographic statistics and the human population features. It is through such changes in the population and demographic features that the entire city undergone transformation. Major change and transformation took place in the municipalitys labor mightiness departments. This was necessitated by the fact that the rise in the human population seeking services of the municipal council had increased, thereof increase the pressure and the demand from the validation to deliver quality services to the needy and service demanding population. The municipal therefore had no choice but to transform its labor and workforce units to attend to the diverse and increasing demands of the public. To meet the increase in the demand of services, Hillton conducted a massive restructuring of its labor force and this called for fair and lively promotion of the employees and increasing the responsibilities assigned to these groups of personnel. The City also had to seek for the services of many outsiders and thereby employing more people to help in the deli actually of services to the public and to reduce the pressure on its small workforce. At this point in time, Hillton had never imagined of any form of institutional layoffs but instead the organization practiced what the experts describe as conform and entitlement management policy. The department manager has all the freedom at their working environment with little intervention from the city manager or the elected council members. Besides, the tax policies of the council were very weak and ineffective. The council of Hillton which initially had poor and insufficient resources to meet the growing demands raises by a rise in the demographic statist ics had to restructure its institutions and systems. The most affected class was the physical and social amenities, including roads, security, recreational facilities, building and lands. This work at of conducting social reconstruction and development of city called for the expansion of the work force of the council thereby leading to the inclusion of outsider in the early described as the inside tasks. Rather than promoting its internal staff as had been the culture at Hillton, in 1996, the management filled all the vacant position in the city council with hired technical and professional outsourced from other countries

Friday, May 10, 2019

Useing Pace University Strategic Plan (ON PACE WEB), Case Study

Useing Pace University Strategic Plan (ON PACE WEB), - Case Study ExampleThe institution is change integrity into different colleges such as Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, College of Health Professions, Lubin school of Business, School of Law, School of Education and Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems (About Pace University, 2014).Currently Pace University has significant resources to help individuals in achieving their dreams. The University operates with an boilersuit idea of creating opportunities for its students. After World War II the administration particularly focused on introducing modernistic arts and science while modify the leadership, management, facilities and resources of the organization. This subsequently helped Pace in acquiring the status of genius of the Largest Universities in the New York City (About Pace University, 2014). In next five to ten years the university is anticipate to increase its services in the field of skills development because entrepreneurship is gaining recognition all over the world and students be investing their energies in establishing their businesses. This is further supported by the advent of modern technology. Moreover, skills development has also fit necessary for contemporary students on the basis of increased competition. Other than this the university needs to enhance its facilities for meeting the requirements of invariably increasing number of students. This can be done through developing more colleges while strengthening the overall infrastructure of the university.Pace University was established with a profound vision of educating students and preparing them to excel in immense range of professions (Vision and Mission, 2014). This is actually the vision of best universities in USA which make them stand apart from oddment of the world.In broader perspective the organizations mission is to provide graduate and undergraduate education to a large number of students w hile also offering

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Proposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Proposal - Research Paper physical exercisespecial learning strategies, worked out for ill students and there is almost no researches directed on the deliberate of teachers role in the learning mental process of autistic students. This proposal makes an emphasis on the importance of teachers role in the learning process of autistic students and underlines the urgency of an individualistic approach and personal charisma of a teacher. At the same time, there is no a necessity to delimit normal students from students with autism. Their talents and creative potentials are equal. An emphasis on teachers positive and patient role attitude to autistic students can be explained by a strong motivation occurrence in the learning process. Teachers positive attitude stimulates autistic students to work hard and keep pace with their group mates. Another strong point is that teachers attitude should be formed with compliments to special teaching strategies though not turning into a templat e teaching. Therefore a combination of general teaching strategies with special teaching strategies involvement of creative strategies in the learning process and an active communication of teacher and students are considered as the most appropriate techniques in teaching autistic students.Autism is a disorder in brain, which influences on learning abilities of a student. In accordance with definition provided by APA (2000), autism is characterized by disorders influencing on communicative and social abilities and behavior of a student. A degree of various behaviors in different spheres of activity differs among autistic individuals (Joshi, 2002). Teachers of autistic students should pay attention to development of communicative skills (Rao & Gagic, 2006). Teacher-student communication is much disturbed by social prejudices concerning autistic students. They are often treated by teachers as students with little creative potential, talents etc. In order to change teachers attitudes to students with autism, it is relevant to

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Voting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Voting - question Paper ExampleCurrently, suffrage instruction seems to be developed largely by election. Administrators, sometimes in collaboration with election system vendors, sometimes in collaboration with other interested parties. R atomic number 18ly, and possibly, never, are proposed voting instruction subjected to any type of experimental or field testing in the first place their implementations. (Voting Instructions)In atomic number 63 and USA side Direct Recording Electronic voting machines are use. The DREs processes are non all the same everywhere. Each has its own style, and that style has significances for where instructions are needed or not needed. Sometimes, the instructions are inconsistent, dont consider voters likely mistakes, dont cover in-chief(postnominal) situations, use words which voters may not know and put the action before the context. While piece of music the instruction of voting we should always think about the possible ways in which people go out misread the instruction from their other experiences. Consider US, its order to register vote for all states. An applicant must(prenominal) be a U.S. citizen, a legal resident of state, and 18 years old on before Election Day. A person who declared mentally incomplete or a person who is serve time in prison does not allow permission to vote. In developed countries, voting alteration is the responsibility of the government either local or national, some form of compulsory voting is call for as a part of each citizens civil duty. In other countries, if people are eligible to vote must opt in to be allowed to participate in vote, as a rule by filling out a specific form registering them to vote. (Voter Registration Information)Voting is beta because its provide an authoritative way to voice our opinions regarding elected leaders and overall policies, voting helps us to judge our own future by electing a person who might muse our own views. If the right to vote no longer exist ed, the country would no longer survive as

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Organizational Structure Presentation Communication Methods Essay - 1

Organizational Structure Presentation Communication Methods - Essay ExampleThere must be effective communication at different levels in order for medical practitioners and other health premeditation providers to operate efficiently. The managers should support open communication within the organization. In addition, the managers in the organization will be responsible for communicating to the junior workers, telling them what they are expected to do and the issues concerning the novel strategy to be introduced (long-term care services). Communication should easily flow from one department to the other or from one person to another. Subordinates should have the feeling that they are authorized to ask questions and raise issues about processes and advancements involved in this new strategy. Similarly, all employees should communicate efficiently with the longanimous and family (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). Poor communication always threatens the life of patients. Communication with the patient or family is important because it will provide development concerning the condition of the patient. Apart from communicating treatment instructions, study communication also delivers information concerning the condition of the patient and diagnosis. Open communication and the generosity of sharing information create greater action and improved efficiency. Through collaborative leadership, the manager will always turn on building consensus and upright interpersonal associations. This will happen through participation and communication.The main sizeableness of open communication is its ability to increase the level of transparency in an organization. The process improves trust amidst different levels of workers. Lack of effective communication in an organization can lead to anger, pressure and feelings of jeopardy at the workplace. Good communication allows workers to feel as part of the organization. They will also feel

Monday, May 6, 2019

Explain what you understand by the term Securitisation and consider Essay

Explain what you understand by the term Securitisation and consider why a bank business leader choose to securitise some of its loans - Essay ExampleIt ends up losing some cash flows or assets in feed for the cash. This debt also not reflected in the bane sheet of the ultimate bower. Therefore, securitisation can be viewed as a method of disposing off a cash flows stream.Besides the impact on the borrower, securitisation benefits investors as well. It increases the variety of choices of investments available. The securities that argon asset-backed by way of securitisation can be easily analysed since investors need only to undertake an evaluation of cash flows from a very small assets pool. This saves them from having to evaluate the entire complex business.The most commonly securitised assets are loans of a single kind or an new(prenominal) type which when pooled becomes an investment of low risk. Also, it means that in the setting of the issuer, it is often a borrowing way thats very cheap. (, 2009).This is a study set appear to discuss this issue of securitisation and to this there will be a vivid answering of the questions what is securitisation? and why do banks choose to securitise some of their loans?Securitisation is an expression that has become more common in usage and its unremarkably used the numerous mechanisms of transferring risks between the parties involved. It usually includes the description of the scale or disposal of risk assets in an absolute manner or the synthetic transfer of particular risk aspects. It is used in some(prenominal) contexts and among various parties who indulge in contracts.More comprehensively, its defined as the sue via which receivables, loans or other relevant assets are put together. The cash flows that go with the assets and also the economic values deployed to aid payments of the securities associate. The related securities are issued in both private and public markets by issuers or on their behalf, which use the process of securitisation to

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Nanotechnology and acne Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nanotechnology and acne - interrogation Paper ExampleNanotech medication can be devised that have strong antimicrobial properties to treat this pathogenic skin disease. The use of encapsulated benzoyl oxide in chitosan-alginate nanoparticles is used for the purposes of improving the activity as well as the tolerability of the anti-acne agent. perishable and biocompatible nanoparticles are used in the synthesis of nontoxic anti-acne agents 6(d1 - d2)gr2/.These drugs go away use stokes law formerly they have dissolved in the body fluid to diffuse to the target site of action. As the nanoparticles depart be sinking into the body fluid forces leave alone be acting on it. The force that will be acting in resistance of the particle will be equivalent to 6rv, where r represents the radius of the blood vessel, is the body fluid viscosity, and v represents the velocity at which the nanotech drug will be moving along the blood vessels. The force acting downward is equal to r2 (d1 - d2) g, where d1 represent the parsimony of the body, d2 is the density of the blood, and g represents gravitational force. Upward and downward forces are always in balance at any constant velocity of fall. Stokes law finds its application in several fields hence its rigorousness in the use of nanotech drugs in the treatment of acne is authentic. Therefore, when the formula is combined together, the velocity at which the nanotech drugs will be t=moving at will be v = 6(d1 - d2)gr2/ (Farokhzad & Langer, 2009) useful in the treatment.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Analysis of how Joint Warfare was applied during Operation Just Cause Research Paper

Analysis of how critical point Warfare was applied during Operation Just Cause in navy man - Research Paper ExampleIn order to tackle the future political challenges, there is a need for developing an army which is prepared for not only offensive and defensive activities, but excessively to maintain stability and to conduct supporting functions. The troops operations in Haiti, Bosnia and Middle East usher the requirement of joint forces in order to ensure better cooperation. The trends of joint operation in twenty-first century evidently reveal the fact that single military operations have become history. In order to rule in the rapidly changing environment, joint approach of military prep is considered as a critical success factor for any nation . The research paper provides an in-depth analysis on application of joint warfare during Operation Just Cause in Panama. The objective of the research is to analyze how joint operations were implemented during Operation Just Cause. B esides, the paper also aims at understanding how Goldwater-Nichols function had affected the planning of Operation Just Cause. Basic Description about Joint OperationThe term, Joint Operation denotes military movements which are undertaken by joint military forces. Joint operation principle is ceremonious on a sound foundation of war philosophy, concept and practical knowledge. Joint operation principles station the basic and the advantageous impacts of unity in command and the cooperation which results from integration and harmonization of military operations. This cooperation can attach the effectiveness and efficiency of military force. The benefits of joint operation are spread beyond the available primer coat across the array of military actions2. Joint Warfare is often used by the military forces of the US in conjunction with other countries and agencies. Joint warfare is required in order to create a decisive and a combined combat strength. In joint warfare philosophy, the military organizations incorporate and contemporize their air forces, land forces, navy forces and the special operation forces in order to accomplish strategic and operational objectives. The objective of joint warfare is to enhance the effectiveness of military assault3. The Origin of Joint Concepts The history of the US reveals the significance of joint operations. The war of 1812 in between the US and Great Britain provides a great face with regard to success of joint operation. However, the operation was criticized due to misperceptions, low level of cooperation and coordination. The first joint military board in the US was established in the year 1903. The joint board was aimed at planning joint military operations and resolving issues on common concerns. Yet, the joint board was provided with little sound to solve