Saturday, May 18, 2019

Management Information Systems Essay

This paper go out discuss the local anesthetic agate line of Fascinations Beauty Salon, and the internet strategic model to help develop this company. This railway line will brook to piss a new strategy that set up for the viable benefits. Fascinations Beauty Salon will need to be equipped in order to benefit from creating a website. This paper will in addition discuss the functions of the business through the internet website. Management Information Systems Fascinations Beauty Salon has been in business for quite a long time, equal fifty years. It is located in the residential area level the street from an Elementary school and a Baptist Church.The owner Mrs. B. has been doing hair for the majority of her life in the corresponding place and she still has plenty of clients. These clients have been her business for quite some time, and she shares her salon with another beautician that only works certain days. Just recently, Mrs. B. had been probeing to research into expandi ng her business services and was asking slightly having her business on the internet. Mrs. B. had just realized that she wanted to be in the race with her competitors in the Galveston County area.I spoke to Mrs. B. he other day informing her that Fascinations Beauty Salon could expand the products that she sells on a regularly basis and as well as her services. Between the women that work at this place and the students that have been in the business to get a feel, or trained with internships that she should have a website. So that when tidy sum want or need some sort of hairstyle or needs a clip or maybe even a product that only she carries that, they could send a quick electronic telecommunicate out to the business or they could go to her place of business to receive such services and products.I explained to her that E-commerce is a way that patrons and businesses are getting fast admission to the internet global market. E-commerce is spreading like a wildfire, in the areas of exporting and advertising of manufactured goods and benefits by the usage of profound processing units and systems. I advised her that she could triple her business and that I would set up her business with an electronic commerce with a certain type of internet industry example like (B2C) industry-to-customer which means that ustomers can buy right off with her company instead of trading with any liaisons.Mrs. B. inquired about the ways that a web site could dish her in benefitting, and I informed her that a web site could assist her company receive a viable gain with a planned effect on her business. With the planned effect on her business implemented as having the lowest assembly or in service expenses, offering distinctive commodities, aiming a definite section of the marketplace, increasing new ways of liability dealing, increasing commodities, or benefits, and starting collections that grok jointly.With electronic storefronts, consumers can shop on the virtual web site via electronic files and shopping walker replicas. Also by moving your stock franchise business on the internet, it can improve productiveness and increase the buyer overhaul. Here the business can develop an electronic exchange with a conspiracy to contenders and dealers with the benefit of supercomputers and Web sites to purchase and vend merchandise, exchange market statistics, and manage the rear organization procedures, such as monitoring the supplies.The Fascinations Beauty Salon serviceable qualifications for the use of the internet and the web could subsidy it with the natural address of business, telephone number, e-mail, hours of functions, beauty salon overhaul proposed, such as (extensive overhaul shop, loveliness merchandise, waxing, alterations, facials / comprise / skin-care, perms, spirals, haircuts).Also shows advertisements, present documentations, brands suggestions, (Rusk, Nexus, CHI, Matrix, Logics, Red- kens), with exclusive overhaul proposals ( appointments, w alk-ins welcome, free parking, group bookings, and clientele performances (all ages, children, men, women, wedding parties).The technological specifications for the elect business consist of the listed hardware as the following the case to holds the computer, and a CPU or central processing unit, (also known as a tower) on with drives like CD and DVD drives that can graft information onto the CDs and the DVDs. A monitor the shows the information on the screen along with a keyboard that is used to type information into the computer and a mouse device as a pointing cursor that shows on the monitor.A printer used to print the information as displayed on the monitor. The boniface domain that I suggest for Fascinations Beauty Salon is Go Daddy. Com, it can be very reclaimable with an SSL Certificate, offers many templates for the business, and is user friendly for everything that pertains to this business. As far as the software, I would recommend that this business would try Hair-Ma x Salon Software that offers many different optional tabs to assist the business and make it more profitable.

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