Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Political Correctness In The Classroom Essay -- essays research papers

Political Correctness In The ClassroomSchools in Canada have recently beat the battleground for the fight overhow much governmental correctness should be allowed to infiltrate grade schooltimeclassrooms. One give the sack take two sides when dealing with such issues as tough toys,good swooning fun, the benefits and disadvantages of political correctness.There is much controversy about violent toys which are far from beingconsidered politically correct. The toys that enter many grade school classroomsth peevishout the country may also seem offensive to people who try to be aspolitically correct as possible. I can remember an incident involving myself, awater gun and a teacher back in grade four. What had happened was that Ipondered onto school grounds with a flyspeck plastic watergun. As I proceeded downthe hallway a teacher took notice of my water-squirting device. She approachedme and ceased the toy from my hands . Many elementary school educators believethat violent toys ca n lead, and often do lead to violence if the children areallowed to play with the toys in an unsupervised environment.Something that used to be considered good clean fun has become aconstant frustration to teachers and parents everywhere. Many educators onrecess duty who have observed children at play have come to believe that roughplay which might look innocent can and often does lead to real violence. Thegoodness of teaching political correctness in the classroom is its ...

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